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Bibliographic Search


                    The central library offers a large collection of documents to its users to help them in their research or in their studies. All these documents are processed using the SYNGEB library management tool.

SYNGEB allows access to the bibliographic search of all the documents present in the back of the library, this search can be carried out in two modes:


Simple search:
It suffices to write in the zones (title, author, subject) a portion or the whole of an author name, a title or a subject word and validate thereafter.



Advanced search:
This option makes it possible to carry out a search in a refined and precise way with finer criteria.

The truncation at the search is done through the sign (*) to the right or left of the term.

New Acquisitions

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Geographic adress: University library. University 20 Aout 1955                               Skikda BP 26 Road El-Hadaiek
Tel: +21338723161
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