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Library Charter


               The library charter is a set of rules for library users to take advantage of.

Some rules of good behavior must be respected:

  • Do not consume food or drink at the library (Only water bottles are allowed).
  •  Respect for silence in the reading rooms of the library (I pledge to disconnect my mobile phone and speak only in a low voice).


  • Respect for the library premises (I pledge not to degrade the premises, equipment and furniture of the library).


  • Use the group work rooms according to the recommendations posted.


  • Respect for the rules of borrowing books (I am aware that my card is strictly personal and that I am responsible for all loans made in my name, that in case of delay in the return of a borrowed document , I expose myself to a suspension of loan, that in case of not restitution of the documents at the end of the academic year, I will not be able to re-register at the university, nor to receive certificate of success or diploma).


  • Comply with good will and courtesy to instructions and observations made by staff.


  • The non-respect of these commitments as well as the theft or the degradation of the documents are reprehensible acts punishable with sanctions, up to the seizure of the Disciplinary Council of the University.

New Acquisitions

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Contact us

Geographic adress: University library. University 20 Aout 1955                               Skikda BP 26 Road El-Hadaiek
Tel: +21338723161
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