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  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 1404



  • Constitution of collections of monographs and journals according to the disciplines taught at the University.
  • Registration of students, professors and researchers in the SNDL National Online Documentation System.


  • Contribution to the national portal of PNST theses.


  • Contribution to the national portal of theses in the Algerian CCDZ collective catalog.


  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 401



          The university library is a public service open to the university community, registration starts in October. The validity of the map spreads throughout the summer period. And the renewal will be at each academic year.

You can register at the library by completing this form click here

To confirm your registration:


It is necessary to go to the reception of the library with a certificate of registration and an identity photograph For new students, library card and registration certificate for the current year for students already registered.


it is necessary to go to the reception of the central library equipped with the professional card or PV installation and a photograph of identity.

SNDL inscription

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 1451

SNDL inscription


                   The SNDL national online documentation system is pleased to provide its users with a list of open access databases. These Databases contain mainly Academic Research Journal articles, selected by Peers.

The SNDL national online documentation system is pleased to provide its users with a list of open access databases. These Databases contain mainly Academic Research Journal articles, selected by Peers.


   Master 2 students: Student card or certificate of schooling.

    Post-graduation students (Magister / PhD)
Copy of the certificate of registration.

    Teachers: Copy of the certificate of work.

Bibliographic search

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 379

Bibliographic Search


                    The central library offers a large collection of documents to its users to help them in their research or in their studies. All these documents are processed using the SYNGEB library management tool.

SYNGEB allows access to the bibliographic search of all the documents present in the back of the library, this search can be carried out in two modes:


Simple search:
It suffices to write in the zones (title, author, subject) a portion or the whole of an author name, a title or a subject word and validate thereafter.



Advanced search:
This option makes it possible to carry out a search in a refined and precise way with finer criteria.

The truncation at the search is done through the sign (*) to the right or left of the term.

Theses Filing

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 374

Technical conditions for filing university theses

    Provide an electronic copy of the thesis perfectly in line with the paper version.
   The digital version must be in a single file in PDF file format on a CD-ROM or DVD.
  The digital version must not contain any protection (password, encryption) or digital signature.
  It is preferable not to use a program for creating PDF files in trial version, as this would automatically lead to the creation of a digital tattoo obscuring certain paragraphs of the thesis.
  ♦ The digital version of the thesis must be accompanied by a file in DOC format Including the title of the thesis, the summary and a proposalde mots-clés.
  In case the thesis is written in a foreign language other than French and English (Russian, German ...),

the title of the thesis, the abstract and the keywords must be provided in French.
→ According to the stop N ° 153 of May 14th, 2012 bearing the creation of a central file of the memories and theses and fixing the modes of feeding, and use.

New Acquisitions

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Contact us

Geographic adress: University library. University 20 Aout 1955                               Skikda BP 26 Road El-Hadaiek
Tel: +21338723161
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