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  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 24 December 2020 09:36
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 359

Loan of books


        The university library is a public service open to the university community, registrations are valid for one year

For students:

it is necessary to present at the reception of the library the library card or the student card.

For teachers:

it is necessary to present at the reception of the library the library card or the professional card.

The card is strictly personal and indispensable for any loan transaction and must be valid.

The number of loanable documents and the loan duration vary according to the status of the reader:

Students 2 books/ 20 days
Postgraduate students 4 books/ 30 days
Teachers 6 books/ 45 days

Late penalties: in case of delay, the duration of the suspension is equal to the number of days of delay multiplied by (7) seven.

Quit: all books must be returned to obtain a discharge allowing re-registration at the university.

Interlibrary loan: The Inter Library Loan (PEB) allows you to obtain from another library in Algeria documents missing from the collections of the University Library of Skikda, which you can check in the catalog.

The service is aimed at end-of-cycle students and post-graduate students of the University of Skikda.

Each reader who wants to carry out an ILL must go to the secretariat of the direction located on the ground floor to complete the ILL form.

Periodicals and theses: can be consulted on site and cannot be borrowed; you can consult them in the periodicals room.

Library Charter

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 362

Library Charter


               The library charter is a set of rules for library users to take advantage of.

Some rules of good behavior must be respected:

  • Do not consume food or drink at the library (Only water bottles are allowed).
  •  Respect for silence in the reading rooms of the library (I pledge to disconnect my mobile phone and speak only in a low voice).


  • Respect for the library premises (I pledge not to degrade the premises, equipment and furniture of the library).


  • Use the group work rooms according to the recommendations posted.


  • Respect for the rules of borrowing books (I am aware that my card is strictly personal and that I am responsible for all loans made in my name, that in case of delay in the return of a borrowed document , I expose myself to a suspension of loan, that in case of not restitution of the documents at the end of the academic year, I will not be able to re-register at the university, nor to receive certificate of success or diploma).


  • Comply with good will and courtesy to instructions and observations made by staff.


  • The non-respect of these commitments as well as the theft or the degradation of the documents are reprehensible acts punishable with sanctions, up to the seizure of the Disciplinary Council of the University.

Documentary balance

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 1060

Documentary balance  


The documentary balance of the central library of 20 AUG 1955 Skikda is multidisciplinary:

Monographs: "Arabic characters": about 23.269 titles.

Monographs: "Latin characters": 14.917 titles approximately.

Theses and  academic works: 857 titles approximately.

Fonds de la bibliothèque:48.242 titres environ.

Know the Library

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 1368

Know the Library


  The Central Library of the University 20 August 55 SKIKDA is located between the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Faculty of Technology.

The library Founded in 2000, covers an area of approximately 2000 m2 on three levels, it includes:

- A conference room

- Loan Bank

- A reading room

- An internet room

- A magazine room



  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Published: Thursday, 03 December 2020 09:03
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 388



The central library of the university is placed under the direct authority of the rector of the university (article 25 of the decree n ° 3-279 of the 23.08.2003 fixing the missions and the particular rules of organization and functioning of the university. university).

The Interministerial Decree of 24 August 2004 on the administrative organization of the directorates of the university, the faculty, the institute, the annexes of the university and its common services organizes the library of the university in four departments:

  •         Acquisitions Service
  •         Treatment service
  •         Bibliographic Research Service
  •         Orientation Service

 The Libraries of the Faculties are organized into two departments:

- "Documentary Fund Management" Service

- "Guidance and Bibliographic Research" Service


New Acquisitions

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Contact us

Geographic adress: University library. University 20 Aout 1955                               Skikda BP 26 Road El-Hadaiek
Tel: +21338723161
Access map

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